Articles of Interest




Articles of Interest


January 2014
Happy New Year!  I hope that you are all well and happy!
     It's a new year, how about a new YOU?  If you can remove the stresses from your life you could have a happier YOU.  If you can clean out your system you can handle the stress that comes your way much easier. 
     Did you know that you are designed to be a fruigvor? Yes I said a fruigvor, a fruit, succulent greens, and seed eater.  Our teeth and the length of our intestines tell us that.  So, then were dose the other foods fit in?  They best fit in in proper food combining order.  This means that we can eat meat and green vegies, or potatoes and green vegies, or melons on their own, or you can mix the other fruits with nuts, or you can eat grains with vegies.  But, you should not eat meats with grains or fruit or milk, or even stretches like potatoes, by by potatoes and stake?
     You can still eat the way you have been and if you don't have gas, indigestion, or pain in the stomach or bowel or headaches.  But if you suffer from any of the problems listed then change how you are combining your foods.  Look up proper food combining and find out what combines best with what.
     For more information contact me at 7419-580-6684 or email me at
Take care of YOU!
Tina Lynn
November 2013
Welcome to articles of interest.  On this page I will have articles that may interest you on your health.  I will include information on MASSAGE and on your HEALTH from the natural side of things.  I encourage you to make comments and to ask questions about both the natural health side and massage.  I don't like to read information that has a lot of fluff in it and often put the article down before I get to what they are saying, so, that said what you will find here will be direct and full of useful information.  Once again Thank You for your time.
Tina Lynn

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